Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The Epic of Gilgamesh is an interesting, ancient story. I find that many stories similar to this require a limitless imagination. In earlier time periods, it seemed as though this was the norm. The many religious beliefs during then differ from religious beliefs of today. It is quite intriguing to me how many gods and goddesses in the ancient world were believed to have ruled all things of life that Earth possessed. In further readings of this story, you find that the gods and goddesses are apparent throughout. They can be in your best or worst interest.  Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s friend, first appears in the story and lives in a different world than the humans. He lives in this “other” world along with animals, like an animal. He is introduced to the human world by a woman he has sex relations with. After this, Enkidu finds and meets Gilgamesh, they later create and hold a friendship. The two of them experience journeys together, life and death battles with demons and bulls sent by gods. Enkidu is brought to death by a god, leaving Gilgamesh in agony and torment. Gilgamesh continues grieving over the death of his friend. In further reading, the story of Gilgamesh and Endiku becomes more engaging.